It is totally possible to turn limitation into success, in some case the whole point of limitation s is to use them to grow and become successful!
Walking past a sports apparel store the other day, I read a quotation under a sports celebrity’s photograph. It read; “I trained for 19 years to become an overnight success”
Self realisation
That made me stop and laugh. I had one of those gestalt moments where I saw myself in perspective with all my strengths and faults, striding through life as best as I can, and that it was all just fine and orderly.
What is limitation and success?
I tend to forget that I am not alone in the world with my insecurities and fears. I forget that we are all human and that we all have our skeletons in our closets and that the point of life is to understand and transmute these limitations as best we can. The funny thing that I have noticed with life is that our fears or limitations are much more prevalent in our lives than we would like. It must be part of the whole matter follows thought system – we consciously or subconsciously focus on our fears or limitations more, so we manifest them and experience them in our reality more.
Limitations to Success - 3 step process
Changing limitation into success is a three step or three meditation process, and as always with my suggestions, it is simple!
Be honest with yourself the next time you meditate. Take a long hard look at your limitations or fears. Identify them and just observe them. Take note of your observations and feelings in your meditation diary.
Start by meditating on or contemplating your feelings as discovered above. What do they mean to you and what is your payback – why are they important to you, or what need within you do they fill?
In your next meditation, decide if that need or payback is still relevant in your life. Can you enhance and perpetuate it or do you want to drop it now that you understand it?
Taking action
What action do you need to take to move from this position to the success that you want to achieve – take the first step!
Enjoy being alive on earth, rise to your challenges courageously and have fun!