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Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God.

Diana Robinson

Have you ever found yourself gazing out of a window letting a daydream subside to a point of nothing – a time of no thoughts at all?

That is a natural meditation!

Simplistically, there are two types of meditation;

 Invocative meditation, or active, outcomes based meditation and evocative meditation, or passive, memory or experience based meditation. Our natural thought process seems to start with an active or analytical process, and if that thought process is observed, it changes into a passive or receptive process.

Two types of meditation

Repeating a prayer, mantra, or affirmation is way to focus ones thoughts and ones mind on a specific thing with the intention of receiving something in return, or with a feeling of grace or gratitude fear or anger. 

This involves a separation of ones self caused by an observation of where you are in the moment and where you would like to be or how you would like to feel. This process is in-vocative meditation and is usually where we all start on out meditation journey.

 Sitting quietly and analyzing or contemplating a problem or a concept, either positive or negative is evocative meditation and usually it is in this type of meditation that we find wisdom, peace and understanding. This contemplation is also routed in an expected outcome or achievement.

Adding depth

The next time you pray, or contemplate, follow through with your
thought process as normal, then allow yourself to sit in silence and
observe your self. Your thoughts, what ever they are will pass though
your mind. 

Just watch those thoughts and let them be what they are.
After a moment or two you will experience a stillness where your
though process stops and you can just be aware of yourself in the

This two stage, active – passive process is as natural as a day
dream, and if done after a prayer, affirmation, contemplation, it
will add depth and wisdom to your personal experience

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