– Have you ever noticed that everyone but you seems to have their “act
together”- that you look into others perfection and see your own
miserable self reflected right back at you, then in a cacophony of
safe insecurity you hit your bottom, bounce, and present that brave
face, that arrogant smirk that clubs that self righteous junk right
back at those looking into your own miserable yet “I got my act
together” veneer of perfection?
The Inflammable Guru
– Have you ever sat at the feet of yet another self absorbed guru (like
there is any other kind) and secretly wondered, while gaga grinning
in inner peace, what it would be like if “gaga grinning guru here” were
to self immolate, spontaneously, now, so that while he sizzled and
greased up the floor with his “holy” oil, you could ease the cramp in
your back, legs, bum and toes, that was gifted to you by the personal
enlightenment pose of the now fast reducing master?
Something Greater than you
– Have you ever
instinctively felt that there was something out there, something
greater than you, but have been unable to extract yourself form the
whirlwind drama of life to look around to see what exactly it is that
is disturbing your everyday mundane perfection?
Have you ever
considered that you are prefect as you are?
Transitory Positions
Remember that what we do for a living is not who we are – it is an
important and complex interpersonal and social means to a financial
end. It is important to understand and work in harmony with those
around us, but that title and position, no matter how lofty or lowly,
is not you. It is just a transitory position in your journey through
While you are facing the responsibilities of life, don’t forget to
take some time to be yourself – even if it means putting a picture
of a dragon or a fairy on your desktop!
Always remember that you are unique, perfect whole and complete as
you are – you are free to be you whenever you choose.
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