you’re smilin’ keep on smilin’
The whole world smiles with
And when you’re laughin’ oh when youre laughin’
The sun
comes shinin through” Louis
Self Help Seminars
How many of you have attended
a self help / positive thinking seminar, or read The Secret, or are
applying principles of positive thinking?
How is this all working out
for you?
The Secret to it all
The secret to all of those
seminars is the harmonizing of frequency. If you focus on your
intention or goal often enough and hard enough, you start to resonate
on a spiritual level with your intention. This in turn attracts it
into your life. There is no right or wrong, good or bad, or secret
new age spiritual formula. The principle of matter following thought
or intention was proved in the early days (1920s) of quantum
Thoughts resonate
As you have a thought, that
thought resonates out to the universe propelled by its intention.
That thought intention combination creates an emotional response in
your physical body. The emotional resonance serves to re enforce the
intention of the thought as well as allowing us to re calibrate – to
fine tune or decide if that is what we really want. If we are busy
and not consciously aware of our thought process, there is no
re-calibration safety net, and the thought, intention and emotional
combination starts to change the frequency of what we are
experiencing. That is why there are days when everything goes right
or wrong.
Being Positive
Being positive is a thought
process, a mindset and a resultant frequency. You are experiencing
what you are thinking and feeling, so you may as well resonate with
the positive aspects of who you are and what you want.
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